To continue my guilty conscience WIP posts...
Sock project #4. As I said in an earlier post, I'm terrible for getting bored or distracted halfway through something, particularly socks. I've been wearing this one with the other completed sock that has no partner. Before you ask, yes I have finished a pair of socks, two pairs in fact, and I'm sure I'll post about them in dues course :)

Cetlic Blackwork Round - this one was started for a Craftiness workshop, which worked pretty well, despite the low turnout. I really like the look of blackwork, and I love to try different kinds of embroidery. I'm considering unpicking one of the sections of fill though, looks a bit too busy. I should be paying more attention to my Mum's advice of a few years ago and 'making use of the white space :)

Patchwork cushion covers - I've made a few of these already, and I suspect they'll shortly be the subject of another post, but I still have a few to finish off. I'm intending to sell them, but the ones I've finished already have made great gifts!

Butterfly Cross Stitch - I started this one in the summer and this is how far I've got :) I find cross stitches really relaxing, so it will come as no surprise when I tell you I have two more in progress (but those are in the attic). Well, three (but only because that one needs framing). Well, five, if you count the one's that are still in their packets. *sigh*. I need to get stitching...
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