Styna, Munchkin and Bones!

Styna, Munchkin and Bones!
Mischief Managed!

Monday, 7 March 2011

Star Blanket - Guest Post

I asked my friend Krystyna to fill us in on the awesome star blanket she's been crocheting, so I'll hand over to her:

Towards the end of last year we found out that my Sister-in-Law was pregnant, pretty big deal, lots of happiness and, of course a request for a baby blanket. I had been after a new project after finishing a throw blanket for my Mama ( ) and liked the look of the Star-ghans I had seen lurking about the interwebs and this seemed the perfect opportunity to try one out.

Now most people appeared to have been making “Beth's Little Star Afghan” ( ) which is a very nice, easy pattern, highly suitable for beginners, no complex or modified stitches, straightforward. However I didn’t like the look of it for a baby blanket, those gaps/holes in the middle and at each corner are far too easy for little toes and fingers to get caught in. Some browsing around eventually led me to Crochet Pattern Central ( ) and the baby items section offered up the Chromium Star Afghan ( ) a slightly more advanced pattern which offers a star-shaped blanket without the gaps.

The pattern starts with a magic ring, so no holes in the middle, or one small one at most and two modified stitches to do away with the holes in the corners. The modified stitches could be a little confusing but they are clearly described and easy to pick up and the difference to the finished article is huge. My only complaint about the pattern is the amount it says you’ll need. When I reached the point where I’d used the amount of yarn described in the pattern I thought it was still rather small and I’m fairly sure it can’t all be down to a difference in tension. The pattern ends on row 27 but is easily extendable past that by simply following the formula. For the border I simply did one round of half height stitches to give a finished look.

Overall I’d give the Chromium Star Pattern a 9/10 and simply recommend that you use a chunky yarn and lots of it, or any yarn you like, but lots of it.
Beth’s Little Star as a pattern for a baby blanket I’d give an 8/10, it’s easier but maybe not so suitable for a little one.


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