This is the first of (believe me when I say 'many') many part-finished sock projects. The pattern for this one came from a knitting magazine (no idea which one, which is partly why it's still only two inches long) and is called 'Blackberry'. It's also how I learned to cable, which wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be :)
Ok, sock project #2. This pattern is the standard one that comes with all the opal sock yarns - I'm good at that one. Though as you'll no doubt notice, I tend to get fed up of one colour and immediately start on a new one (hence the number of sock projects).
Sock project #3. This sock is a NQS (a not-quite-sock) and for some reason that I can't recall I've removed the needles at some point (silly old bean). I'm intending to frog this back to the heel and start the foot part again - this was my first attempt at lace, which i am enjoying, despite the maths involved, but I neglected to remember how uncomfortable lace is underfoot being as I haven't had lacy socks since I was in Primary School. This is another case of misplaced pattern as it happens, though I have all the important bits except the name, but I know who it was by and that is was from Knitty.
These two balls of yarn are to become a stunning shawl, called Bitterroot (also from Knitty). The yarn, which is gorgeous, is Sea Silk by Handmaiden yarns and is soft, silky and in stunning colours; it's also part Seacell, which if you haven't googled already, I'd suggest you do now. I suspect this project will elicit a wide range of swearing, particularly as it will only be my third lace project and the yarn is quite slippy, but we'll see.
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